Therapeutic Storytelling Program

Available Therapy Programs
ADHD program for Adults

Some of our Previous Topics

Custom Workshops and Therapy Groups
CHM Therapy is excited to offer new in home group therapy sessions. Do you have a group of close friends who all struggle with similar issues? Or does your teenager have a group of friends that struggle with challenges or simply could use support for growing up? Get together in your own home for a night of something new, or regular meet ups that are more enlightening than bookclub. Try one of these new workshops for your next girls night and see how friends can learn and grow together.
All workshops include group therapy using various techniques from cognitive behavioural therapy, narrative styles to art therapy and even play therapy. Topics can be tailored to suit your group. The topics below are a small sample of what we have run in the past. Call today for pricing or to discuss building your perfectly person workshop.
Bring the Yellow Couch Team in to your own home with designer groups for you and your friends in your own home.
Me the Manuel: Understanding yourself - single session vision board workshop, minimum 6 people
Me the Sequel: Understanding your goals, builds on Me the Manual, by expanding into a second session focused on journalling and intention setting
Picture this: Phototherapy series group, using photography to explore our world and self concept. minimum 6 people.
Mama meet-ups: Parenting topics - single session topics 1.5 hours per session, build as many sessions as you want. minimum 5 people.
Journal club sessions - guided journalling or art journalling combined with life coaching and psychoeduction, weekly meetings for 6-8 sessions, minimum 3 people
Sands of time: Using sand tray techniques to gain insights into yourself and your world maximum 6 people, single session 2 hours long